A man's companion
A quote that I love a lot. I read it the first time many years ago, and I came by it again today, so I thought to write it down. For me it shows how women should be respected and loved and how they should be treated by men. Compassion means a lot to human beings...
Woman was created from the rib of man,
not from his head to top him,
neither from his feet to be walked upon..
but from his side to be his equal,
from beneath his arm to be protected,
and from next to his heart to be loved.
this is a sweet one :)
ya welcome ya welcome...elblogger nawwar :)
3:23 PM
Nice piece ya Khaled. it summarizes the whole relation.
Congrats for the blog :)
10:07 PM
An interesting quote indeed...
Partnership is a quite deep concept that many people misdefine or don't fathom properly. In fact the misperception or "abuse" of the term is dominant in both western modernized, and eastern under developed societies.
To elaborate more, take the working woman in Egypt as an example of the latter societies. A relatively large proportion of Egyptian middle class families are supported by a working woman. Preparing breakfast, waking up the kids, giving them rides to schools, going to work in a hurry, spending the usual 6-8 working hours, getting the kids back from school, rushing back home to prepare dinner, feeding the kids, helping them out in their studies, putting them to bed… can one helpless woman do all that on daily basis, & nearly on her own? Hmmm… I wonder where the "partner" fits in this puzzle. Is it over with the partnership thing once the couple has shared their roles in bringing more children to life? Is it fair that women are –by default- sentenced to a lifetime vicious circle of tasks and duties that they have to manage solely on their own? Where is their space for rest and recreation?
Unfortunately, the same shades of gray apply to western societies. The lack of responsibility and sense of partnership are reflected in the phenomenon of "Single Mothers". It's so ruthless and inhuman to hop in a car and flee away, leaving a woman and couple of kids behind, with no justified reasons!
Partnership is the integration of two humans in a blend of feelings and responsibilities; each has to be accountable and responsible for his/her roles and actions. Moreover, one should feel that (s)he is honored to take part of this partnership and pledge for completing the mission in the best way possible… Love is not about passion and spending quality time, but rather a responsibility to make the partnership work out eventually; & most importantly without doing it at the expense of any of the two parties involved…
I truly believe that "No partner in a love relationship...should feel that he has to give up an essential part of himself to make it viable", a quote by May Sarton, my favorite poet...
P.S: I know my comment shouldn't be of a vigorous "feminist" flavor like it sounds to be, but I couldn't help the words coming through!
2:09 PM
Ya Dodo, that was a very nice comment. Needless to say, the couple's partnership shouldn't disappear or diminish when they bear children. In fact, this actually should enforce and emphasize their partnership and it does put it to test. Of course it is easier said than done, but at least this should be very clear to the couple and should be always considered and put to action. A compromise between the couple is inevitable.
8:06 PM
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